New module: chat client (like, slack)
Please consider some sort of customizeable open source chat platform to be part of the CT platform experience.
There are sooo many chat platforms out there - and not many are very secure, since you do not know what happens with the data that is transferred between people.
Having a chat platform part of CT would be great asset and a gread symbioses. The goal of such a platform could be- to provide a out-of-the-box church-internal chat experience. This way we do not have to have x different chat clients and everyone can start the experience right away without having to worry about getting all the peoples numbers and creating user accounts and so on
- CT groups could be published into private chat groups via a CT option 'publish as chat group'
- the chat (like already also supports public group, so everyone could create a group like 'IT interests', 'Looking for ...', 'Baby exchange' ... a.s.o
- Having a chat experience part of CT would greatly reduce the necessity for a private server to run it yourself.
- church internal communication could thrive more as a result and the communication 'length' could shorten a lot.
- as part of the chat experience as eg in you'd be able to see all public channels of the whole church right away. You might feel included faster by being able to join these channels without having to go through the struggle to find the person at church first, which is sometimes difficult in bigger churches...
Thanks for your feature wish. I moved it to the english forum.
@davidschilling well its actually for all languages ... should I translate it to german? I fear nobody will take read it if it is in english
My team just started using Slack for a better, organized, clean way to chat rather than Whatsapp and Email.
And like @tomzi suggested, it would be perfect to have these features integrated in Churchtools, we wouldn't have to add everyone, have one more app installed or one more website to log in.
All our teams in the church - Service, Prayer, Worship, Youth, every group have it's own Whatsapp group, and that's chaotic when you're in two or more teams, plus the family, friends, work, study groups and private conversations.
We don't need video conference or group call, that's not so often needed, and if needed we can schedule that in Whatsapp or Skype.
We also use MeisterTask, but I don't know how that could work in ChurchTools.
There is already a German topic to this wish: