Api für Gruppe liefert nicht immer eine GruppenTypId
Ich habe hier eine Gruppe, bei der keine GroupTypeId in der Information geliefert wird. Bei den roles kommt die ID. Bei allen anderen Gruppen unserer Installation kommt der Typ ebenfalls.
ist das ein Bug?
curl -X GET "https://....church.tools/api/groups?group_type_ids[0]=4&page=1&limit=100" -H "accept: application/json"
{ "id": 171, "guid": "3E5BE9FD-CE62-4BB5-9E0F-5D4C325873F9", "name": "AG Churchtool Admins", "securityLevelForGroup": 1, "permissions": { "useChat": true, "startChat": true }, "information": { "imageUrl": "", "dateOfFoundation": null, "endDate": null, "meetingTime": "", "targetGroupId": null, "maxMembers": null, "note": "", "chatStatus": "NOT_STARTED" }, "settings": { "isHidden": false, "isOpenForMembers": false, "autoAccept": false, "isPublic": false, "groupMeeting": [], "qrCodeCheckin": false, "newMember": [] }, "followUp": [], "roles": [ { "id": 3249, "groupTypeId": 4, "name": "Leiter", "shorty": "L",
GET "https://....church.tools/api/groups/171" -H "accept: application/json"
hat dasselbe Problem.Response body Download { "NOTICE": "This API is under heavy development and not yet publicly released. Please be aware that the request format and/or response format can still change. Use this new API with caution!", "data": { "id": 171, "guid": "3E5BE9FD-CE62-4BB5-9E0F-5D4C325873F9", "name": "AG Churchtool Admins", "securityLevelForGroup": 4, "permissions": { "useChat": true, "startChat": true }, "information": { "imageUrl": "", "groupStatusId": 1, "groupTypeId": 4, "dateOfFoundation": null, "endDate": null, "meetingTime": "", "weekday": null, "groupCategoryId": null, "ageGroupIds": [], "targetGroupId": null, "maxMembers": null, "note": "", "campusId": null, "chatStatus": "NOT_STARTED" }, "settings": { "isHidden": false, "isOpenForMembers": false, "autoAccept": false, "isPublic": false, "inStatistic": false, "groupMeeting": { "autoCreate": false, "templateId": null }, "qrCodeCheckin": false, "informLeader": true, "newMember": { "campusId": null, "statusId": null, "departmentId": null } }, "followUp": { "typeId": null, "targetTypeId": 0, "targetObjectId": null, "targetGroupMemberStatusId": null, "sendReminderMails": 1 }, "roles": [ { "id": 3249, "groupTypeId": 4, "name": "Leiter", ```